Time Talent Treasure

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Altar Flowers & Liturgical Decorations Tracy Sivak (540) 846-3849 JTSivak@va.metrocast.net
10:30 Choir Tammy McCallum ETMccallum@aol.com
Confraternity of Christian  Mothers Becky Ciresi 540-972-5932 BCiresi@aol.com
ElizAnt Ladies Tracy Sivak (540) 846-3849 elizantladies@gmail.com
Eucharistic Adoration Sodality  Michelle Bielovitz (540) 907-5439‬ mbielovitz@gmail.com
Facility Maintenance Steve Negahnquet (540) 841-2769 stephenhn48@gmail.com
Food Pantry Rusty Hopp (540) 940-3009 StAnthony.KGFoodPantry@gmail.com
Funeral Receptions Kim Breton 540-848-4785
Gardens Michelle Bielovitz 540-907-5439 mbielovitz@gmail.com
Home School Co-op Stephanie Vendetti (540) 775-9938‬ Stephanie.Vendetti@gmail.com
Knights of Columbus Paul Wingeart (734) 756-2038 gk7812@vakofc.org
Latin Choir Becky Ciresi 540-972-5932  BCiresi@aol.com
Lectors Howard Thomas 540-604-1660 kd6bad@yahoo.com
Legion of Mary Mary Hannick 540-847-7489 MaryHannick@msn.com
Little Flowers Liz Ferraro 703-678-5775 Liz.Ferraro13@gmail.com
Meals to Moms Liz Ferraro 703-678-5775‭ Liz.Ferraro13@gmail.com
Mothers of Lu Playgroup Liz Ferraro (540) 604-1660 kd6bad@yahoo.com
Opus Angelorum
Work of the Holy Angels
Howard Thomas (540) 604-1660 kd6bad@yahoo.com
Parish Sodalities St. Anthony Office (540) 848-4785 stanthony@va.metrocast.net
Rangers of the Old Dominion Sam Pitts (540) 848-4785 deovindice16@gmail.com
Rite of Christian Initiation Father De Rosa (540) 848-4785 ave.regina.coelorum@gmail.com
St. Joseph Terror of Demons Men’s Group Matt Juszczak (540) 848-4785 matthew_j31@yahoo.com
Ushers George Durling 540-775-5328 george.5328@gmail.com
Well Read Mom Mary Grace Britton

Maria Lilly



 Youth Group Tammy McCallum 540-424-0404 YouthGroup@SaintsElizabethAndAnthony.com