St. Anthony & St. Elizabeth

Parish Sodalities

You are invited to become a member of one or all of our Sodalities.
Daily Mass Sodality essential requirements:
That daily Mass be part of one’s life. The member does not have to go every single day but when they can and with certain regularity, deliberateness and out of true devotion.
The member will keep in his heart the private prayer intention: “That more parishioners are given the grace to attend daily Mass.”
Eucharistic Adoration Sodality essential requirements:
That one has integrated Eucharistic Adoration into one’s life by keeping watch with Our Lord for at least 30-minute periods with a certain regularity and deliberateness, not necessarily weekly.
The member will keep in his heart the private prayer intention: “That more parishioners are given the grace to be present at Eucharistic Adoration..”
Sodality of the Holy Rosary essential requirements:
That one has integrated praying the Holy Rosary in church publicly and as a group into one’s life with a certain regularity and deliberateness.
The member will keep in his heart the private prayer intention: “That more parishioners are given the grace to be present when our parish publicly prays the Holy Rosary before the Blessed Sacrament.”
Auxiliary Membership is for those who pray the rosary daily, but not necessarily in church.
The member of any one of these Sodalities will be conscious of being a part of something bigger than one’s private devotion. By thus spiritually associating with others, more graces will be won for the member and for our parish.
There are no meetings or record keeping. The parish will keep a roster of members which could be used for occasional communications concerning their respective sodality membership.
To enroll contact either office and become a beneficiary of this added grace:
St. Elizabeth
or 804-224-7221
St. Anthony stanthony@SaintsElizabethAndAnthony .com
or 540-848-4875
A commemorative certificate will sent upon request.

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