Pastor’s Page
Dear Parishioners,

On June 27, 2012 the Bishop of Arlington appointed me Pastor of our two churches. I wish on this occasion briefly to revisit the theme of my first letter to you when I was given responsibility of the parish.
We must not forget that the grand goal of all of our various efforts is very straightforward, viz., the greater glory of God and the salvation of souls.
The purpose for which Christ established the Catholic Church is to lead souls to Heaven. Everything else is subordinate to this sublime end. There are three key principles which serve to keep us on the Way of the Lord Jesus. They are themes that have been and will continue to be the recurring motif of my preaching and message, and I would like to articulate them again as I begin my pastorate:
- Firstly, we must be steadfast in fidelity to the Vicar of Christ on Earth, the Pope.
- Secondly, we must root our spiritual lives in the Most Blessed Sacrament.
- Thirdly, we must cultivate a tender, filial devotion to the Most Blessed Virgin Mary.
My friends, I look forward to continuing our common task of striving towards the goal of gaining Heaven. When I first arrived at the parish in 2008, I asked each of you to pray just one Hail Mary for me each day, that God may preserve me and protect me as your shepherd. I would like now humbly to renew that request.
Peace to you,
Father de Rosa