Dear Friends and Neighbors,
Greetings from The Catholic Parish of St Elizabeth of Hungary & St Anthony of Padua!
If you are a Catholic new to the neighborhood and have not found your parish yet, or if you are interested in learning more about Jesus Christ, we, the priests and people of the Catholic Church in Westmoreland and King George Counties, wish to welcome you warmly and invite you to worship with us as we offer the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass each Sunday (and indeed every day of the week).
Our parish is comprised of two churches, St Elizabeth in Colonial Beach and St Anthony in King George. Although the most important thing that we do each day is to offer the Holy Mass, we do have groups involved in various other parish activities. Among those groups include:
A Knights of Columbus Council for men, three Legion of Mary Praesidia, periodic adult education mini courses, a Youth Group for teens, a Homeschooling group, three choirs, and an adult Conversion Course from September to Easter.
Our parish distributes food to the needy each Wednesday at St. Elizabeth, once a month we have a Mobile Care unit in Colonial Beach which provides basic necessities and we host a Catholic therapist once a week who works on sliding scale. We also operate the Guadalupe Free Medical Clinic for the poor of Westmoreland County.
Our parish has also recently established a very large Catholic burial section at the Historyland Memorial Park, called “St. Elizabeth’s and St. Anthony’s Catholic Cemetery.”
And we also have three lovely cottages for rent in Colonial Beach, just one block from the beach on the Potomac River.
Should you wish to contact us, please do not hesitate to call, or simply come to worship the Lord with us as we offer the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass!
In Christ Jesus Our Lord,
Father Francis de Rosa, Pastor
Father Richard Carr, Parochial Vicar
& The Faithful Staff and Parishioners of St. Elizabeth and St. Anthony
Queridos amigos,
!Saludos desde la Parroquia Católica de Santa Elizabeth de Hungría y San Antonio de Padua!
Si usted es un católico recien establecido en la zona y no ha hallado todavía su parroquia, o si usted tiene interés en aprender más sobre la Fé Católica, nosotros, los sacerodotes de la Iglesia Católica de esta zona le acogemos con amabilidad, y les invitamos a adorar con nosotros cuando ofrecemos el Santo Sacrificio de la Misa cada domingo, y, de hecho, cada día de la semana.
Nuestra parroquia tiene dos iglesias: Sta Elizabeth en Colonial Beach y San Antonio en King George. En Colonial Beach hay una Misa dominical en español a las 11:00 cada semana.
Si necesitan bautizar a sus niños, casarse por Dios o simplemente hallar su hogar espíritual en los EE.UU, esta es el lugar. En Colonial Beach, la Iglesia tiene La Clínica Gratuita de Guadalupe (por los habitantes de Westmoreland County).
Si quisieran hablar con nosotros, no vacilen en telefonear o visitar la oficina (en Colonial Beach solomente). El parrocco, Padre de Rosa, habla su idioma y puede ayudar. O, mejor, ¡venga a adorar a Dios con nosotros cuando ofrecemos el Santo Sacrificio de la Misa!
En Cristo Jésus,
Los sacerdotes y feligreses de las Iglesias de Sta Elizabeth y San Antonio