Holy Eucharist
The Most Holy Eucharist or Holy Communion is the most sublime of the Sacraments in that it contains the Real Presence of Jesus Christ: Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity. This miracle of Christ’s Presence, utterly unique among the seven Sacraments, is brought about (or “confected”) at Holy Mass. With every worthy reception of Holy Communion the person’s soul increases in sanctifying grace and intimacy with God. The Eucharist is also known as the Most Blessed Sacrament.
To learn more about this Sacrament, see the official Catechism of the Catholic Church nos. 1322-1419
How to receive this Sacrament:
Reception of Holy Communion is reserved to practicing Catholics in good standing, since such an act implies belief in this doctrine and full communion with the Catholic Church (i.e., with the Pope).
Catholics are permitted to receive Holy Communion only if they:
- are in the state of grace: i.e., if since their last Confession they have committed no act regarded by the Church as being mortally sinful (such as skipping Sunday Mass).
- are properly disposed by having prepared themselves carefully in prayer;
- and have observed the Eucharistic fast of at least one hour prior to reception of Holy Communion.