
Baptism is the first Sacrament received and is the doorway to the other six. It is done either by immersion or the pouring of water, together with the baptismal formula: “I baptize you in the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.” Baptism confers an indelible mark on the soul and can never be repeated nor effaced.

To learn more about this Sacrament, see the official Catechism of the Catholic Church nos. 1213-1284 Baptism

How to receive this Sacrament:
Call the parish office to arrange for Baptism. Those over the age of seven must first undergo instruction. One or two godparents are to be chosen, and they must have reached their 16th birthday, have been confirmed and be practicing Catholics. This means at a minimum; faithful attendance at Sunday Mass, frequent reception of Confession and a life lived in conformity with the principles of the Catholic Faith. Those married must have been so with the bishop’s permission. Godparents must provide a letter from their pastor certifying that they are suitable. Finally, the parents are to partake in a short talk on Baptism at the parish.

Click on this link Baptism request to print the form.