Confraternity of Christian Mothers

The Confraternity of Christian Mothers is for moms in all stages of motherhood:  little ones, teenagers, grown children and grandchildren! The goal of this Confraternity is to unite its members in prayer, but also to support, guide and inspire mother in performing their duties and in practicing virtue.  Many spiritual benefits await for those who wish to commend themselves to Our Lady, the Mother of Sorrows and all practicing Catholic married women, with or without children, may join.  Contact Becky Ciresi at

A Christian Mother’s Daily Prayer for Children
O Mary, Immaculate Virgin and Sorrowful Mother,
commend our beloved children to the Most Sacred heart of Jesus,
Who refuses nothing to His Mother.
Holy Guardian Angels,  pray for them.
St. Joseph, powerful patron, pray for them.
St. John, Beloved disciple of the Heart of Jesus, pray for them.
St. Augustine, pray for them.
St. Anthony, pray for them.
St. Aloysius, pray for them.
St. Anne, mother of Mary, pray for them.
St. Elizabeth, pray for them.
St. Monica, pray for them.